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Compassion (Come-pass-it-on!)

Dear Friend,

Compassion- Come pass it on!

I would like to focus this piece on compassion with the hopes that you will ‘Come pass it on!’.

The Webster dictionary defines compassion has having a sympathetic consciousness to another one’s needs or distress coupled with the need to alleviate the distress. It goes beyond just sharing in someone else’s experiences or pain, empathy, but we seek to help the person.

In showing compassion, we share love! The greatest lover who ever lived, Jesus Christ, (John 3:16), have compassion on those in pain/need and comforts his people (Isa. 49:13), and in likewise, as believers and followers of Lord Jesus Christ, the world should see Him in us, in our actions.

Ambassadors of Christ are urged to clothe one’s self in, or display, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col. 3:12). As we pray, let us ask God to show us someone in need and how we can relieve that need.

Living in a world of mayhem, we need not look very far to experience the great need and desolation. Though it surrounds us, it will not engulf us. Let your light (hope, joy, giving, act of sharing) squelch out intolerance, indifference, cruelty, ill will and hatred for self and others in this world. Let pity, mercy and humane behavior be prominent in your life.

Compassion is the passion of Christ. Come-pass-it-on!

We know to be compassionate because our Wonderful, Holy & Heavenly Father is also compassionate. We are never truly in deficit when we show love and give out of tenderness, we are casting our bread upon waters which will return to us one day and our children. How many times a grateful person helps someone in need, not out of what that person did for them, but because of some kindness showed to them in the past. It returns to you!

If that was not compelling enough for you, ambassadors of Christ and those seeking to know him, take a moment to read Exodus 33:19.

He loves you and sees your every need.

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