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When Faith Works - 1

Give honor to those who have taught before and after.

Matthew 17:20 & 21:21, Mark 11:23

Strengthen your faith life. My goal is to encourage you:

o to be who God says you can be

o to have what God says you can have

o and to do what God says you can do

Christ uses the Mustard seed as an analogy of the kingdom of God and to display the nature of faith. Faith starts small - yet not insignificant while possessing the capability to grow exponentially. Consider the statement made in John 1:46 (Can anything good come from Nazareth – yet, Christ planted there as a seed, yielded a harvest in the world for the Father). Faith is necessary to our lives – even a little faith can make impossible things possible. Faith comes from the heart and not the mind. It comes from a place of surrender. The sacrifice of the heart - is that the heart is yielded and shows great dependence on God in humility. Faith is not of human origin – but - is anchored in the presence of God and therefore, when it is exercised, results in the supernatural in a natural world.

Faith focuses entirely on God.

We should have a direct pursuit of God’s supernatural miracles in our everyday life – Be desperate for it. Miracles and the supernatural helps people to believe, and as such, God wants our lives to be accompanied by the supernatural. It is a demonstration of the power and presence of the Kingdom of God in the present world so that many will believe in His name and come to HIM. In a submitted life, every time we minister, we allow God to flow in, then out of us…we release God into the world. This is what one man could do when we are rightly related to God. Let us read the account in Matthew 13:31-32 and meditate on it.


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