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Dear Friend:

Today's piece will be short and close to my heart.

A famous acronym is used for love:





Please do not miss out on it! It's gentle, kind, covers many faults and is never puffed up! Regardless of your circumstances, doubts, physical/mental/emotional problems, I want you to know that you are loved by the greatest lover. At times, what we have is taken from us under the pretense of love but the lover spoken of here is gentle and gives all, sees all and still loves you. There is nothing you can do to make him love you more. Your every day cares, every thought, every need and desires, dreams and private, unspoken requests are known by Him and He desires to be your Lord, your savior and your champion! With Him there is no shadow of turning - He is who He is and will not change His mind from loving you, however lovely or unlovely you may appear in our eyes!

Above all else, I want you to know that you are loved!

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