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I Want to Stay Close to God

Dear Friend:

When we desire to know someone, we seek them out, ask questions about their interests, dislikes and aspirations. We put in quality time, effort and energy because he/she is worth chasing.

Chasing after the heavenly Father yields far more benefits to us than to Him!

Think about it, every time God gives - we receive - and we are blessed! What can we possibly offer Him, but that He desires to prosper us! We are so accustom to people taking from us, that we become suspicious whenever someone gives without seeking to take back from us. This is not your family and friends offering you in one hand and taking twice the amount with the other hand. He freely gives from heaven to you.

If you have not ask Jesus to save you from your sin and to save you as his own, I ask you to take this moment to do so.

When we seek after God daily and remain in his presence, singing and sharing of His many acts and deeds, staying connected to Him and His will, he guides your path and your decisions. There is nothing good that He will keep from you. Do not glory in yourself, remember the one who blesses you and elevated you. Stay close to Him and you will hear His voice as He directs your every path and decision. He is a banner about your life!


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