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God is a Great Provider

Dear Friend,

Present your needs before the Father today, in Jesus Name and see Him make great changes in your life. Do you know how much He loves you? Search His words of truth:

God who has called you into fellowship with His son Jesus Christ, is faithful to keep you. You are blameless through his son. The honor and favor you receive, the light and shield that He become in your life and all the provisions that He gives freely to you is because you have purposed to love and received His son Jesus Christ into your life. As a king gives bountifully and the best to his son, so the Father gives to His children as you are now His adopted sons and daughters, heir to the throne, no longer servant, nor friend but sons and daughters!

As you speak to your Abba, your heavenly Father, since He knows all that you are in need of, praise him, adore him and thank him. Because His love towards you last eternally, your best interests are always his concern and He is the great provider to all man.
We worry sometimes needlessly about things we cannot change. We do this because we believe that it is the only thing we can do, it is all that's left. But have you ever considered that you are limited in what you can do and therefore, should cast all cares on the One who can! Indeed, it is pointless to spend your days aimlessly worrying over things you cannot change. The love of God transcends faults, limitations and abilities. He simply LOVES! Talk to Him today about what worries you, what keeps you up, what plagues you. Ask Him to take it all and provide you with the answers and with peace. Try it today and leave a comment below of how this has impacted your life. Your are in His hands! Amen

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