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How Do I seek Wisdom & Guidance From The Father?

Dear Friend:

We seek to know what's best for our lives through many avenues. Some provide temporary or even what briefly seems to be viable solution.

But how do we seek lasting and true guidance? Where do we go? What if it's not what I want to hear? Why would it be different from what I want to hear? What does the bible say about seeking guidance and how to do it, why do it at all?

1 John 5:14-15 New International Version

14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

We need to ask for what we desire. If it is in His will, He will grant it. Knowing His will then helps us to ask more effectively. As a believer, the Spirit of God within you directs you to the Will of the Father for your life. Your prayer becomes more effective! You must ask! In asking, you give the Father consent to work on your behalf, according to your prayers.

Psalm 37:5 New International Version

5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:

In committing your ways, you are presenting them whether through prayer, supplication, praise, or just plain talking to God about what you are doing, planning and desires.

As you turn over the ideas, concepts and plans to Him and believe that He can direct all of it, you will begin to experience His divine work, His blessings, His interceding and great favor on your behalf in your life.

Do nothing wavering, double-minded or as shifting shadows or wind vanes. But be steadfast in your commitment and believe. You will boast of His goodness.

Isaiah 55:8-9 New International Version

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

His ways and decisions are different than what our finite minds can conceive. Imagine a small babe thinking that he sees all that you see and perceives and so then proceeds to tell you how it all should be done. Doesn't make sense.

It's the same with the Father, imagine we have 10% knowledge of what we need and so we present it as the full package and the Father says, "I see the 100% and the 10% that you perceive is not your best foot forward. It is not your total benefit. Let Me, the one who desires you to be blessed and prosperous above all things, let me help you. Ask Me to do this and I will, because what you have planned is not your best and is not what I want for you. Allow me to show you the whole picture, your thinking will rise, your planning will change, your life will explode in increase in all capacities. You will not have hands to hold it all, mouth to boast of it all. You will overflow! Let me do this!"

Father continues,"As we speak, I see you differently than you see you. Come, you can only know this when you commit your plans and thoughts and ways to me and give me consent to work on your behalf. My Spirit searches all things and will tell you what to say when you pray that you ask the RIGHT things, to release me to work! Ask my Spirit to guide you in prayer. I do not desire your destruction. The opposite is true! Seek my face, today! I will hear you and will answer you"


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